We were up early to get ready for our first full day of visiting. The schedule is 10-11:45 am then 4-6pm.
Chris and Christopher slept well after our first meeting. I on the other hand had to attempt to figure out the internet connection. Not being very savvy it took most of the night or is it daytime I am not quite sure at this point. However some how with divine intervention I have connected.
Sveta and Sergey arrived right on time to transport us back to the baby house. We were excited to see our baby girl again. We all wondered how she would react. Christopher was very excited and has finally realized that journaling is not only fun but will be a register of history for this family. He has taken to writing in the morning and has also started sketching different scenes he thinks are important to remember. We are very happy we decided to include him in every part of this adoption. The life lessons he has learned will serve him well later on.
When we arrived at the baby house Sveta took us to Natasha’s room where we were to pick her up. When we walked in she saw us and immediately walked on her own to us smiling. It was absolutely amazing. She stumbled trying to get to us and Christopher caught her. The care givers are amazing women. They must be hand picked by God himself because their love is evident in their body language, and the welcoming way they started talking to us when we came in. Although we cannot understand their spoken word, the eye contact and tone of voice says it all. They LOVE these children. We hope they can also see we will love and protect Natasha as they have since her birth.
Each interaction with the people of Kazakhstan is an experience in and of itself. Not being able to speak the language sharpens the other communication skills we are blessed with and one must be able to speak thru the heart.
After the customary hat is placed on Natasha’s head we are instructed and taken to the outside visiting area. The pictures I post later will tell it all. We are given a stroller and off we go. Natasha is happy and Christopher can hardly contain himself. Each time we see them together we are sure this leap of faith was worth taking.
Natasha is tiny 17 lbs but packed with personality. She can walk holding hands and I am sure on her own but we don’t let go yet. There are 2 other couples here at the moment one from NJ adopting a 4 year old girl and one from Delaware adopting and infant. We just went thru the hellos yesterday as we were the new kids on the block and the other couples have been here for a while.
Our visit was short but good. Natasha had fun being outside and exploring. We each held her and she didn’t object. She looked and touched and smiled. She appears to understand Sveta when she speaks to her. And she loves kisses.
After we returned her to her care givers we were asked to bring pampers in the afternoon and new shoes. Can you say shoe shopping?
We had lunch out at a Chinese Restaurant and the food was absolutely delicious. Then on to shopping then back to the baby house. When we entered the room the care giver said I could put on the pampers and shoes. My turn now at mother hood. It amazing how is all comes back. Natasha does have a rash which Dad noticed on the first visit. It appears to be localized on the inner thighs. We are told it is an allergy however I doubt it. I will be able to look closer tomorrow when I will get to dress her in her own clothes that we provide.We also met with the doctor again and were given her medical history.It is my understanding she has an umbilical hernia. Also they have diagnosed allergies.