
Things to be Thankful for....

Thanksgiving Day atop my big brothers shoulders at Daytona Beach.
My first look at sand and pelicans and waves and blue sky....
Thanks God!!!!!
Pumpkin pie with whip creme mmmmm......
Thanks God!!!!
Going home with my forever family. This is a good place to sit while everyone is looking for me.

We all are especially thankful for all that God has blessed our lives with. Topping the list this year is Leah. She is a special little girl who touches the heart of everyone she meets. I am especially thankful to God for my children,my wonderful husband and the family I get to share my life with.
I pray for those who are broken and sad and lonely and hungry, that they might come to know Gods healing love.
I also pray that I am worthy for all that I have been blessed with, and that I live a life that is pleasing to God ..... Posted by Picasa


A rocker my size .

My great great grand ma sat in this rocker. It is from the 1800's.
I love it............ Posted by Picasa

We played dress up today

I had fun but now I want a snack....
I love cookies ummmmmm!!!!!!!

Is there where you want me to stand Mommy?
I will leave the head band alone if you let me mess with the DVD player on my rockin chair... Posted by Picasa


Leah and Grandpa

Leah I love you!!!!!

Grandpa I love you!!!! Posted by Picasa

Happy Birthday Grandpa !! You are the best !!!

Grandpa's are great. We celebrated Grandpa's 93rd birthday on Nov 13. As you can see his grandchilden adore him. We are very lucky to have this gentle man as the patriarch of our family. He defines what family is all about. Patient,kind, caring and God loving. When Christopher was born, Grandpa spent alot of time with Christopher and was always patient with him. To this day they still spend time together raking leaves or mowing the lawn or swimming in the pool. Christopher has learned alot from this relationship and we as his parents are grateful for the bond they share.
Leah is now feeling the love of a grandfather and as you can see by her face she is lovin him. Especially that he shares his cake. It is wonderful to watch this relationship begin. Each answering a need. The young and old. We thank God for another year with Grandpa.....

Got Grandpa with a mouth full of cake.....
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Smiles to be thankful for.....

As the holidays approach we are so thankful that God has blessed us with Christopher and Leah. We keep in our thoughts and prayers those children at the baby house in Ust Kamenogorsk and around the world who are waiting and needing forever families. We pray that parents contemplating and or in the process of adoption find comfort as they wait for the day they travel. The adoption journey is a life altering experience providing life lessons that run a gamet of emotions. We pray hope remains strong in the hearts of people who are brave enough to take this leap of faith. Posted by Picasa