Sunday Sept 24th, 2006
Gotcha Day
Our journey back began on the 22nd. We took the 9:10 pm flight out of Kennedy Airport after a beautiful dinner prepared for us by one of our best friends Mary and Ed Hynes. The meal was delicious and the love and warmth surrounding us by these friends is a gift we treasure.
Our flight was delayed by an hour however, we had no connecting flight issues. The weather was beautiful and our flights were wonderful. We arrived at Almaty airport at 1:00 am on Sun Sept 24rd. We were met by our translator and driver and taken to an apartment where we would have about 5 hours to rest before our next flight to Ust Kamenogorsk, departing at 7:20am Sun Sept 24.( As we were getting into the car at the airport as big as day we noticed a large billboard sign displaying a computer graphic rose bud beginning to bloom. For those of you who know us, you will understand the significance of this sign. We were so taken with the experience I cannot even tell you what the advertisement was for. I will try and look again when we return to the airport for our flight home.) The apartment was nice and the shower at 5am was glorious and much needed to prepare us for the day ahead.
We arrived at Ust Kamenogorsk Airport right on time and we had picture perfect weather. Alma and Bulat our previous driver and translator/coordinator were there waiting for us. We were made to feel as though we were family coming home from a vacation. We picked up our luggage and we were off. Our excitement grew. The plan was made that we would drop our luggage off at the apartment. We are in a different apartment than our last stay and unfortunately their will be no farm fresh eggs or milk this trip. Oh well we will have to settle for store bought. The apartment is huge with everything we should need. We are sure we will be just as comfortable here. After dropping off the luggage, next on the agenda was lunch and a stop at Daniels the supermarket. We all decided it would be good to have a meal and shopping done before picking up Leah, so as to be able to come right home after leaving the baby house.
It is now 2:15pm and we arrive at the baby house. We are so thankful to be here and it is so hard to find the words to describe the emotions running through us at this moment in time. We believe Leah is sleeping, and are glad to have time to talk with the care givers before taking her home. I have so many questions but having the outline of her daily schedule is really what we need to understand. Sleep schedule, meal time, snack time ect. What food does she eat her likes and dislikes. Again we are trying to make a plan but alas God has something else in store. When we get into the baby house the care givers tell us Leah is awake and waiting for us. She was told we were coming and wouldn’t sleep. So much for questions and answers. Her caregivers went to her room and brought her right out to us. She greeted us with a smile and we are sure she recognized us. The caregiver (whom we never met before) begins to change Leah into her new goodbye clothes. To us it was as if we never left with Leah looking at us and smiling. However we could sense that Leah understood something would be different today. She wanted to be that happy baby we left 49 days ago but she was pensive. The question and answers about her schedule and meals took place in front of Leah. How much she understood we will never know, but this whole process took maybe about 20-25 minutes.
After a few pictures and hugs and kisses from the caregivers out the door we went. Leah did not want us to carry her but she readily went to Alma. So Alma carried her out of the room she has spent her whole life in until we got into the hallway. It was there I took Leah in my arms and promised her we would never leave her again. She came to me without a tear and we left the baby house for good.
Outside the sun was glorious and Bulat was at the ready to drive us home. This would be the first time Leah would ride in a car. Like she did when we first met her she was confident and curious. As you can see from the look on her face she was serious but did not appear frightned. She gazed in wonder at everything around as we began the ride home to her new life. No tears yet…..
We arrived back at our apartment at 3:30 pm and said our goodbye’s to Alma and Bulat. Chris was taken back to the grocery store to buy the salty tasting yogurt drink that Leah is used to. Upon his return we helped Leah get the lay of the land. As a small snack we gave her a piece of apple and a plain cookie. This apt is very big and EVERYTHING is unfamiliar to her. After a while we realize she has not had a nap and is tired. We attempt the nap thing but Leah has now realized she doesn’t know where she is or what is happening. The crying starts. Sad crying. Scared crying, Whats going on crying. Tired crying. We try our best to comfort and reassure her. She fights sleep. So I hold her . Rock her. Quietly tell her (in English) everything will be ok. She has moments of smiling alternating with crying. We can almost feel what she is thinking. We pray for God to help us help her to understand. We must teach her to trust us. She makes eye contact and holds it as we are speaking and praying. Crying begins to subside but sleep does not come. So we do the next best thing. Eat!!!!!
A thanksgiving feast of turkey,mashed potatoes greenbeans and carrots. Gerber Graduates. A huge hit for the first course. Followed by 2 ritz crackers and a piece of cheese. Topped of by some salty yogurt drink Leah is used to and voila a full belly. By 7:30pm the sandman arrives for Leah and not a moment too soon. By 7:35 pm its lights out for Mom and Dad. God is Good.