
On the way....to the Baby House


Our dream now becomes our reality. Our journey back to Kazakhstan begins tomorrow. We are greatful to God, and this country for giving us the gift of Leah. We will continue to learn about Kazakhstan as we grow in our love of this beautiful precious child.
Christopher is both excited and anxious as he comes to realize we are leaving him for the first time. He understands this is also a special time in his life and the first steps to independance must be taken. We leave him with our parents who have surrounded him in love since his birth. We are thankful and blessed to be able to leave our son in the loving care of family.
Our adoption has touched many lives and we are so touched by the outpouring of good wishes and prayers from our family,friends, co workers and strangers around the world. This journey has truly been a miracle.
In preparation for Leah's departure from the baby house to our care I made a list of things I thought we should have with us in small quantities. Shopping almost brought on a panic attack as I perused the baby food section. It has been 12 years since I walked down that aisle, and I was disoriented for quite a few moments trying to figure out just what I should buy. The reality is I dont really know what it is she eats. Then again before Christopher was born this was the same issue. I can do this. I have done this. Calm down. Reality Check. Stage 3 toddler food is what I picked, off I go to car seats, medicines, wipes and diapers. It all comes rushing back now that I allow myself to believe this is really going to happen.
I stop at Carters for a few items and cant help but chuckle at a conversation I hear at the cashier as I am making a puchase. There are 2 women working the registers, one matronly women and a young women very pregnant discussing her present state. She tells her co worker "I cannot wait to have this baby and stop being fat and tired but I dont think I am ready to be a mother". I know its alot of work because my parents (who are in their 50's) have a 6 year old so their lives are tied up forever. I am glad my child will be grown up when I am 50 and I will be free then. My parents adopted this baby when they were old so they asked for this again.
After I made my purchase, I couldnt help but comment that "I was adopting a toddler also. I guess I'll be tied up for a few years". We both laughed and as I left the store my heart was smiling..........Who was it that said Youth is wasted on the Young ?????? Posted by Picasa


Chris Sapp said...

We are praying for you as you get ready to reunite with Leah again and bring her home!

Anonymous said...

Dear Ann,Chris,Christopher and Leah Young.
This is the day, this is the day this is the day the LORD has Made let us be rejoice and be glad in it
Leah,get ready for lots of hugs, kisses and tears your Mom and Dad will be leaving soon ,they are finally coming to bring you home. We all have waited so long for the day we will have you with us

Anonymous said...

I pray that God grants all of you a Safe and Happy Journey Home . we will watch over Christopher please God keep him safe also.Can,t wait for her to get home.Ann I,m thinking of her Halloween costume, she would also make a cute bunch of grapes as Chris did when he was her age,Cute pictures bunches of grapes LOL
Love and God Bless,

The Wason's said...

This is so wonderful to finalize this long journey to your beautiful, precious daughter. You can just 'feel' the love that will surround her.
How brave your son is being.
Our prayer and thoughts are with you,

Dawn said...

I am so happy for your family! I can't wait to see new pictures of Leah and hear the end of this wonderful journey :-)


Anonymous said...

We hope that your labor pains are finally over!

Know that we have been thinking of you and your family, your travels, and you having Leah in your arms forever.

Please wish a Happy Birthday to Max, and give him a hug and kiss if you can...

All the best,
~Claudia & Stefan~

The Zalomski Adoption said...

Good luck on your journey to get Leah! I can't believe the time has finally come for you to get her and bring her home. It is such a great thing that you are doing. Don't forget to keep this blog updated for your fans at home... You are in my prayers. Congratulations! We are so happy for you!

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