
Isnt it amazing what makes you smile....

Leah played with this sticker for almost an hour and so did we!!!!!!
Daddy's girl makes him smile.....
After sneaking a cookie. Crumbs have to go before Leah goes back inside.
I owe God big time!!!!! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Michael misses making soup with you, Chris!
I'm hoping we meet up in Almaty. Best of luck in court, keep us posted!

Chris Sapp said...

My dad and I were just talking yesterday about how the simplest things amaze and delight our children, and how much of a blessing that is...

Anonymous said...

only thing about owing God you can,t out give him . How Great is our God? She is adorable and the smile on your faces tell it all. I see the happiness on Christopher,s face and my prayers have been answered,I have prayed for a brother or sister for him since he was born, Bet if my prayers were answered earlier he would not have been as happy as he is with Leah. Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi. The pictures again are just great. Nice to see smiles on all your faces. Now the family is complete. Can;t wait to see all of you.

Anonymous said...

Annie, Annie, Annie
you surely bring tears to my eyes
I adore the pictures, I adore the smiles on Chris, and Christophers
faces. This was meant to be
how blessed
You are positively glowing
We can't wait to meet the new princess and her kingdom
miss you so much
so much to talk about
love you all
Mary ,Ed and Clare